The Way It Is!
it like to owning a business? I found business ownership to be
intensely creative, challenging, and stimulating; a very rewarding
experience at the end of the day.
For individuals who would want to venture into business ownership,
either starting from scratch, or buying an existing business wholly
or a franchise, The Way It Is provides an honest, insider's
window into the process of business ownership. Many would be
entrepreneurs certainly have many questions just as I had before I
founded Eastern Pharmaceuticals, questions like:
How do I find a good
business idea? Or, is the idea I have good
How do I obtain the money to start a company?
Can I live on a reduced income until my company gets on its feet?
Can I run a successful business, raise children, and still have
a normal family life?
What personal qualities does it take to found a successful business
and do I have them?
What education and experience is the best preparation for becoming
an entrepreneur?
What if I fail?
As I built my business I learned answers to these questions and
many others. I hope that by sharing what I learned, you
can improve your chance of success and minimize your mistakes.
What Must I
Do to Start a Business?
The specific business you choose will have a significant impact
on the work you perform every day. However, many tasks are the same
across all types of businesses things like obtaining permits,
paying taxes, managing daily operations.......
Start-up Resources.
Your Money or Other People's Money?
I started Eastern Pharmaceuticals from a personal investment
and no outside funds. For years I was the only employee,
doing all marketing, selling, and operations.
Financing Your Business |
ISBN: 978-0-9796472-0-8
Paperback 210 pages (January 2008)
Hudson Publications Company
US $17.95, CAN. $25.95, UK £9.99
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